Publishing to Google Play

Although there are many app markets for distributing an application, Google Play is arguably the largest and most visited store in the world for Android apps. Google Play provides a single platform for distributing, advertising, selling, and analyzing the sales of an Android application.

This section will cover topics that are specific to Google Play, such as registering to become a publisher, gathering assets to help Google Play promote and advertise your application, guidelines for rating your application on Google Play, and using filters to restrict the deployment of an application to certain devices.


To distribute an application through Google Play, a developer account must be created. This only needs to be performed once, and does involve a one time fee of $25 USD.

All applications need to be signed with a cryptographic key that expires after October 22, 2033.

The maximum size for an APK published on Google Play is 100MB. If an application exceeds that size, Google Play will allow extra assets to be delivered through APK Expansion Files. Android Expansion files permit the APK to have 2 additional files, each of them up to 2GB in size. Google Play will host and distribute these files at no cost. Expansion files will be discussed in another section.

Google Play is not globally available. Some locations may not be supported for the distribution of applications.

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Becoming a Publisher

To publish applications on Google play, it is necessary to have a publisher account. To sign up for a publisher account follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Google Play Developer Console.
  2. Enter basic information about your developer identity.
  3. Read and accept the Developer Distribution Agreement for your locale.
  4. Pay the $25 USD registration fee.
  5. Confirm verification by e-mail.
  6. After the account has been created, it is possible to publish applications using Google Play.

Google Play does not support all countries/regions in the world. The most up-to-date lists of countries/regions can be found in the following links:

  1. Supported Locations for Developer & Merchant Registration – This is a list of all countries/regions where developers may register as merchants and sell paid applications.

  2. Supported Locations for distribution to Google Play users – This is a list of all countries/regions where applications may be distributed.

Preparing Promotional Assets

To effectively promote and advertise an application on Google Play, Google allows developers to submit promotional assets such as screenshots, graphics, and video to be submitted. Google Play will then use those assets to advertise and promote the application.

Launcher Icons

A launcher icon is a graphic that represents an application. Each launcher icon should be a 32-bit PNG with an alpha channel for transparency. An application should have icons for all of the generalized screen densities as outlined in the list below:

  • ldpi (120dpi) – 36 x 36 px
  • mdpi (160dpi) – 48 x 48 px
  • hdpi (240dpi) – 72 x 72 px
  • xhdpi (320dpi) – 96 x 96 px

Launcher icons are the first things that a user will see of applications on Google Play, so care should be taken to make the launcher icons visually appealing and meaningful.


Tips for Launcher Icons:

  1. Simple and uncluttered– Launcher icons should be kept simple and uncluttered. This means excluding the name of the application from the icon. Simpler icons will be more memorable, and will be easier to distinguish at the smaller sizes.

  2. Icons should not be thin– Overly thin icons will not stand out well on all backgrounds.

  3. Use the alpha channel– Icons should make use of the alpha channel, and should not be full-framed images.

High Resolution Application Icons

Applications on Google Play require a high fidelity version of the application icon. It is only used by Google Play, and does not replace the application launcher icon. The specifications for the high-resolution icon are:

  1. 32-bit PNG with an alpha channel
  2. 512 x 512 pixels
  3. Maximum size of 1024KB

The Android Asset Studio is a helpful tool for creating suitable launcher icons and the high-resolution application icon.


Google play requires a minimum of two and a maximum of eight screenshots for an application. They will be displayed on an application’s details page in Google Play.

The specs for screenshots are:

  1. 24 bit PNG or JPG with no alpha channel
  2. 320w x 480h or 480w x 800h or 480w x 854h. Landscaped images will be cropped.

Promotional Graphic

This is an optional image used by Google Play:

  1. It is a 180w x 120h 24 bit PNG or JPG with no alpha channel.
  2. No border in art.

Feature Graphic

Used by the featured section of Google Play. This graphic may be displayed alone without an application icon.

  1. 1024w x 500h PNG or JPG with no alpha channel and no transparency.
  2. All of the important content should be within a frame of 924×500. Pixels outside of this frame may be cropped for stylistic purposes.
  3. This graphic may be scaled down: use large text and keep graphics simple.
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Video Link

This is a URL to a YouTube video showcasing the application. The video should be 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length and showcase the best parts of your application.

Publishing to Google Play

Create a Google API Project

First, sign into your Google Play Developer account. If you do not already have a Google Play Developer account, see Get Started with Publishing. Also, the Google Play Developer API Getting Started explains how to use the Google Play Developer API. After you sign into the Google Play Developer Console, click CREATE APPLICATION:

After creating the new project, it will be linked to your Google Play Developer Console account.

The next step is to create an OAuth Client for the app (if one has not already been created). When users request access to their private data using your app, your OAuth Client ID is used to authenticate your app.

Go to the Settings page.

In the Settings page, select API access and click CREATE OAUTH CLIENT to create a new OAuth client:

After a few seconds, a new Client ID is generated. Click View in Google Developers Console to see your new Client ID in the Google Developer’s Console:

The Client ID is displayed along its name and creation date. Click the Edit OAuth Client icon to view the Client secret for your app:

The default name of the OAuth client is Google Play Android Developer. This can be changed to the name of Xamarin.Android app, or any suitable name. In this example, the OAuth Client name is changed to the name of the app, MyApp:

Click Save to save changes. This returns to the Credentials page where to download the credentials by clicking on the Download JSON icon:

This JSON file contains the Client ID and Client secret that you can cut and paste into the Sign and Distribute dialog in the next step.

Register Google API Access

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